Hello,  I am Vishal

Hey there!!

I am Vishal, a developer and a 3D Computer Vision enthusiast.
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur.

Student Researcher
3DVisLab, IIT Jodhpur link

Pioneering techniques for 3D Morphable Face Model conditioned face reenactment utilizing audio inputs.
SDE Intern
Glific link

Played a pivotal role in the development and testing of mobile application for the communication platform for
NGOs with their beneficiaries.

Face Attendance App
Microsoft Engage 2022

App that used face recognition to detect faces and mark attendance of students.

Point Cloud Registration for Cultural Heritage Site Restoration
NCVPRIPG23' link

Implemented various methods and algorithms, including classical Optimization-based approaches (ICP, HKS)
and feature-learning based GCNet, for the registration of noisy point clouds at heritage sites.
Semantic Segmentation

Used a fully convolutional model on the CityScape Dataset for the semantic segmentation of images.

Head Avatar

Useing Spacetime diffusion to train a subject-specific model to generate photorealistic videos driven by albedo images.

LISR: Learning Linear 3D Implicit Surface Representation Using
Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions

AAAI 2024 link

Pandey, A., Yadav, V., Nagar, R., & Chaudhury, S.
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